Dr. Zombenstein
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
Techno techno techno
Dr. Zombenstein
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
I had was experimenting with quadrophonic mixes – it sounded incredible. But who has a surround or quadrophonic system? So I bounced a stereo mix, filmed some train commuters in slow motion and it fit perfectly. After that the file was just hanging out on my hard disk for 3 years until today.
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
Friday quiz: which machine do these buttons belong to?
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
Under water
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
Special guest added to the mastering chain – the very red VSE-2 Gyrator EQ by @vertigosoundcom
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
I always had this mask with me on shows in the early 00s. Airport security did not appreciate the 10cm nails
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
Zombie‘s Ark
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
aTTack DecaY suStAIn reLEaSe
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
In the middle of something
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
by ignoring the reality of climate change, republicans are actively destroying your grandkids’ beach selfie opportunities
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
TAB Telefunken v76 is the God of valve preamps
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation
a little Roland tr-808, mangled through the eurorack modular FX rack.
Very few elements but loads of fun!
ready to receive
John Starlight aka Florian Senfter on Instagram
also check out the official web page for Zombie Nation