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⚡️ This system 700 can see into the future and it told me …
The view from my studio 1998-2002 at Hackerbrücke in Munich. Every 2 minutes a train departed from the station and the electricity caused my computer monitor to distort. One rainy day someone jumped in front of the train. 5 minutes later the clouds disappeared and the sun came out. The pavement was still wet when they carried away body parts in aluminum boxes. It was strange. Somebody had just died and I felt more happy and grateful to be alive than ever. It was an intense moment
🔈Car wash The whole world is full of music, everything has rhythm and a timeline
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Time to replace the tape loop inside the Roland
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Got myself a nice sound card upgrade
I added a quick nasty sound to this video by @zach.lieberman
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Nice view from under my desk where I am trying to figure out the cable spaghetti mess
Thinking about what to do with all the amazing tracks I recorded
Instagram filter used: Willow